Robin began her work as a jewelry designer when she wanted a special piece of jewelry with a certain look and she just couldn't find it. Because she was unsuccessful in this endeavor she decided to design the piece herself, and so the journey began.
Robin loves to design perfume bottle pendants made of vintage glass to my own period reproductions to stunning semi-precious stone collections.
When you visit "Jewelled Trellis" it is quite apparent that Robin is inspired by vintage designs. She admits that she has gotten inspiration from some of the greatest woman in history like Catherine the Great, Elizabeth the First, Cleopatra, and Isabela of Spain.
Btw, Robin is a wife and mother of 5 children. Her 3 daughters have been wonderful in sharing their own ideas about jewelry designs and her 2 sons have been helpful with wrapping up the pieces that have been sold. It's so nice to hear that "Jewelled Trellis" is actually a family affair.
Here is a picture of this family affair. How "cool" to see them dressed in period attire.
Now let's take a look at some of the fabulous pieces showcased in "Jewelled Trellis".
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If you have any questions for Robin please contact here through her studio: