About Our Guild

Guild Description:
Our guild represents a wide variety of jewelry artists with unique talents and techniques, as well as the suppliers of beads and beading supplies.
Guild Mission:
To gather together Jewelry Design and Jewelry Supply Studios for the purpose of sharing information, ideas, techniques, and strategies for promoting our Artfire Studios.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Coming In October--A Very Special Guild Promotion

Each of the above causes are very important and worthy causes. To help support the wonderful work that is done for these causes the Ajdjss Guild will be having a promotion that will ultimately lead to donating a portion of our sales to each of these causes.
Our blog will be having a slideshow to showcase a number of special pink and purple items that we hope will be sold so that a portion of the sale will be donated to these causes.

Our shops will each have a special Breast Cancer and/or Domestic Violence Awareness Section that will have a number of pink and purple items also for donating a portion of the sales.

This special promotion will be going on for the entire month of October. At the end of the month all the sales will be tallied so that each guild studio will know the portion of the sales that they will be donating.

There will also be a "Donate Now" button, here on our blog, for those of you who would like to donate to these very worthy causes without purchasing an item from our guild studios.

In conclusion, we of the Artfire Jewelry Design Jewelry Supply Guild, ask that you help make this a successful promotion.

Thanks for your help to support Breast Cancer Research and a Domestic Violence Intervention Centers.


Ajdjss Guild said...

Please join us in support of Breast Cancer research and a Domestic Violence Intervention Center. These are extremely worthy cause that need our help.

Cthings said...

Great idea! I want to support both!!

Mountaindreamers said...

Great Idea, I would like to support the Breast cancer cause .

JewelsOutofTime said...

Count me in.