About Our Guild

Guild Description:
Our guild represents a wide variety of jewelry artists with unique talents and techniques, as well as the suppliers of beads and beading supplies.
Guild Mission:
To gather together Jewelry Design and Jewelry Supply Studios for the purpose of sharing information, ideas, techniques, and strategies for promoting our Artfire Studios.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Featured: Ajdjss Guild Great Gifts for Mother's Day

" A man's work is from sun to sun, but a mother's work is never done." - Author Unknown

In honor of Mother's Day the Ajdjss Guild shares some of the
famous words of mothers everywhere.

Am I talking to a brick wall?
Are you deaf or something?
As long as you live under my roof, you'll do as I say.
Call me when you get there, just so I know you're okay.
Did you brush your teeth?
Do you think your socks are going to pick themselves up?
Don't go out with a wet head, you'll catch cold.
Don't make me get up!
Don't sit too close to the television, it'll ruin your eyes.
Eat your vegetables, they're good for you.
Going to a party? Who's going to be there?
I didn't ask who put it there, I said "Pick it up!"
I hope someday you have children just like you.
I'm doing this for your own good.
I'm going to skin you alive!
I'm not your cleaning lady!
Look at me when I'm talking to you.
Money does NOT grow on trees.
No child of MINE would do something like that.
Nobody asked you.
No child of MINE would do something like that.
Put that down! You don't know where it's been!
Someone is going to end up crying.
There's enough dirt in those ears to grow potatoes!
Watch your mouth!
What did I say the FIRST time?
What part of NO don't you understand?
When I was a little girl...
When I was young we had respect for our elders, now look at the world!
When I was your age, I had to walk ten miles through the snow, uphill, by myself, to go to school.
Who died and left you boss?
Who taught you THAT? You didn't learn that in this house!
You can't find it? Well, if you'd put things where they belonged, you wouldn't have this problem.
You won't be happy until you break that, will you?
Your father is going to hear about this when HE gets home!
You should have that phone surgically implanted in your ear.
Some day you will thank me for this. SMACK!!!
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all
How can you have nothing to wear? Your closet is FULL of clothes!
Don't use that tone with me!

The Ajdjss Guild also shares some wonderful gift ideas from our studios for that special mother in your life:



Glass and Wire Gems




Jewelled Trellis




Ajdjss Guild said...

There is nothing as pure and beautiful as the love of a mother for her child.
Happy Mother's Day!

ttyl, margo :o)

Evelyn said...

I had the best mother ever, and I miss her a lot. Here's one of her sayings- makes me smile to remember...
"What did your last servant die of- not enough work?"
Happy mother's day!

Caly's Jewelry Creations said...

My Mother has always been there for me...! She is the best...!

Stacey said...

Thanks, Margo - great article - had me smiling, remembering when I've heard those and when I've used those sayings. Happy Mother's Day!